Demo driver for Xrootd to interact with HPSS

A prelimnary driver here shows how Xrootd interacts with both an HPSS backend and clients who use the Xrootd's Prepare Interface. It is intended to be an example to demonstrate the workflow when FTS transfer files in and out of a Tape Endpoint using the root protocol (also see the discussion on the WLCG Tape REST API below). It is not expected to scale up for production use.

This demo driver will

  1. Use HSI v8.3 to query info related to a file in the HPSS storage hierarchy.

    • It assumes the HPSS storage path is /DIR
    • It parses the output of HSI v8.3 (other versions of HSI may output in different format)
  2. Use HPSSFS-FUSE mount to copy data in and out of HPSS. The posix mount is used to simply the example.

    • It assumes the HPSS storage is mounted on via HPSSFS-FUSE at /hpssfs/DIR
  3. Clients will use xrdfs/gfal/FTS tools to interact with the Xrootd endpoint

    • Use gfal-archivepoll and gfal-bringonline to trigger data migration and staging with HPSS
    • For FTS (... detail to come)

Configuration and the driver

A few configuration lines are needed in Xrootd. They are

all.export /hpssfs/DIR
ofs.preplib /usr/lib64/ -admit all -run /etc/xrootd/

The is the driver written in Shell script.


Xrootd currently does not support WLCG Tape REST API. However, as showed here, the Xrootd Prepare API provides the equivalent functionalities. A plugin to Xrootd can be developed to translate the WLCG Tape REST API to Xrootd Prepare commands. With that plugin, we expect it will work with the above driver.

Tech details

The Xrootd Prepare Interface does not support HPSS migrate. There is also no immediate need for such a function since HPSS automatically migrate data from disk buffer to tape. All FTS and gfal need is to send query to check if the migration has completed.

FTS and gfal expect json responses for query and stage. The following describe the json response for stage and query.

Json response to stage and query

gfal-bringonline actually issues several commands via the Xrootd Prepare Interface:

  • a "stage" command for one or more files.
  • gfal-bringonline does not wait for the stage command to finish. It immediately issue a query command.

Assume the file name is $lfn and request id is $request_id

  1. If the file doesn't exist in HPSS, the json response should be:
    { "request_id": "$request_id",
      "responses": [{"path": "$lfn", 
                     "path_exists": false, 
                     "error_text": "", 
                     "on_tape": false, 
                     "online": false},
    Note the comma before ']': since gfal-bringonline may include more than one files, the `responses` list should include all of them.

    gfal-bringonline will not issue more query for a file if it gets a "path_exist": false response.

  2. If a file exists in HPSS. but the staging is still running, the json response should be:
    { "request_id": "$request_id",
      "responses": [{"path": "$lfn", 
                     "path_exists": true, 
                     "error_text": "",
                     "on_tape": true, 
                     "requested": true, 
                     "has_reqid": true, 
                     "req_time": "$req_time"},
    $req_time is the time stage request started. It doesn't need to be accurate.

    gfal-bringonline will wait for 2^n seconds for files that with a response like the above. n=0,1,2,3,...

  3. If the file exists in HPSS, and the staging has completed, the output of the hsi ls -X should be parsed to determine if the file is on disk or on tape. The json resonse should be:
    { "request_id": "$request_id",
      "responses": [{"path": "$lfn", 
                     "path_exists": true, 
                     "error_text": "",
                     "on_tape": true(or false), 
                     "online": true(or false},
    Here "online" refers to whether the file is in disk buffer and can be accessed as a disk file.

    Once gfal-bringonline get a "online":true response, it no longer include that file in future query.

One tricky thing is to determine whether the staging is still running. The script uses a marker file /tmp/stage.$request_id to record:

  • The staging request_id.
  • That the staging of that group of files is going in. When the staging is completed, the marker file will be deleted.
  • The timestamp of the marker file. It is used as the time of the staging requests.

Migration to tape

The response to query (above) will also info gfal-archivepoll that a file has a copy on tape.